Windows 7 to be released on October 22nd inspite of the "show stopper bug"

Windows 7,the latest OS from Microsoft,is set to release on October 22nd.Microsoft managed to sign off the Windows 7 RTM (release to manufacture) build on June 23.A week later ,the RTM build was stamped as a “show stopper” bug and it was expected that this bug will be a hindrance for the release on October 22nd.The bug became a major issue on the web until recently.The bug that was reported was this..Once a user runs “CHKDSK/r” in command prompt,it will crash the entire system.This was because running this command resulted in a memory leakage,which led to the system crash.

Following the widespread issue this “show stopper bug created in Windows 7, the president of Microsoft’s Windows Division, Steven Sinofsky recently mentioned in a statement that the bug though initially reported as a “critical bug” and then a ‘showstopper’ bug, would not delay the release of Window 7 on the decisive date.

Microsoft have held a chip-set controller responsible for the error and have suggested Windows 7 customers to call/visit their motherboard manufacturers and download the most modern chipset drivers for their particular motherboard.

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