Google’s Test: Underscores vs. Hyphens in URLs

Google has reportedly conducted tests to evaluate the impact of underscores versus hyphens in URLs, exploring how each affects search results and ranking. This test is part of Google’s ongoing efforts to understand and optimize its search algorithms for different URL structures.


The choice between underscores (_) and hyphens (-) in URLs has been a subject of debate in the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) community. Both serve to separate words in a URL, but their influence on search engine rankings has been a topic of speculation.


While Google traditionally treated underscores as connectors, essentially considering “word_word” as one word, it has favored hyphens for word separation. The recent test is aimed at refining Google’s understanding of these characters and their impact on search results.


The outcome of this test could have implications for SEO practitioners, web developers, and content creators who aim to optimize their websites for better visibility in Google’s search results. Understanding how Google interprets and prioritizes URLs with underscores versus hyphens can guide best practices in structuring URLs for improved search engine performance.


As Google continues to refine its algorithms and ranking criteria, insights from such tests contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, offering valuable guidance on optimizing website elements for enhanced visibility and searchability.

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