SEO is common sense Not Rocket science

Is SEO a qualification. Many think so but no it is not a qualification. There is no degree required for this or does have any position related. I see in countries like India they call themselves SEO analyst, SEO senior expert etc. Those sounds really funny. Who gave these people these titles? Those who gave this name are just trying to scam people. There are no posts related to SEO. The maximum you can call yourself is Search engine optimizer. There are no better titles than this.


Same SEO is not rocket science it requires patience, dedication and lot of your time. If time is money for you then doing SEO is not your cup of tea. You need to find some good SEO companies so don’t have to use up your time. But if you have time in your hands then it is all Do It Yourself SEO. Don’t spend a penny if you have time there are lot of online materials to read and understand the way SEO works these days. If you spend 3 months you will read most of the details required for SEO. 6 months you can update yourself on past trends too. It is important to know the current situation and past so that you don’t make mistakes that was penalized by search engines before.

I stress again SEO is not rocket science anyone can do it. Anyone calling themselves SEO analyst or what ever crap don’t believe there are no terms like that. SEO is important but Search engine optimizers are not always important. fake watches copy rolex golden replica watch fake replica watches rolex for sale online

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