Multi URL OpenerMulti URL Opener
The Multi URL Opener tool is developed to save the user time, as it opens multiple website in just one click. Name of the websites has to be given in the field and submit to be clicked thus the result is displayed.

* Enter each url in a new line

Our Multi URL Opener Tool is 100% free to use.

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The Code to be added in your site is:
Your link will look like this: Multi URL Opener Tool

Multi URL Opener

Our Multi URL Opener Tool is developed to simplify and expedite the process of opening multiple websites simultaneously. Our tool is particularly useful for users who frequently visit a set of websites, whether for work, research, or personal browsing. Instead of manually entering each URL into different browser tabs, the Multi URL Opener Tool allows users to input a list of website names or URLs and then open them all with a single click.

Key features commonly associated with Our Multi URL Opener Tools include:

  • Input Multiple Website Names or URLs:

    • Users can enter the names or URLs of the websites they want to open. This input can typically be provided in a single text field, allowing for a convenient and time-saving process.

  • One-Click Opening:

    • By clicking a submit button or a similar action, the tool opens all the specified websites in separate browser tabs simultaneously. This is especially beneficial for users who need to access a collection of web pages quickly.

  • Time-Saving Convenience:

    • The tool eliminates the need for users to manually type each URL into different tabs and wait for them to load individually. It streamlines the process, saving users valuable time and effort.

  • Organisation and Productivity:

    • Multi URL Opener Tools are beneficial for maintaining an organised browsing experience. Users can group related websites and open them together, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

How to Use our Tool:

  • Enter Website Names:

    • Input the names of all the websites you want to open in a new line .This can be a list of your favourite sites, work-related pages, or any URLs you frequently visit.

  • Click Open URL:

    • With all the desired website names entered, simply click the Open URL button. Then it opens each specified website in a separate browser tab simultaneously.

Benefits :

  • Efficiency: Open multiple websites at once, reducing the time and effort required to access each individually.

  • Organisation: Keep your browsing sessions organised by launching related websites simultaneously.

  • Productivity Boost: Ideal for users who frequently visit a set of websites, improving overall productivity.

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